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Ships sailed in in chronological order:- mv Clan Matheson ss Kinnaird Castle
mt Hector Heron mv Clan Maclennon mv Clan Robertson mv Rothesay Castle
mv Clan Macindoe RMS Windsor Castle mv Elbe Ore mv Clan Macintyre RMS Edinburgh Castle RMS
Pendennis Castle mv Clan Robertson mv Clan Macnair mv Clan Ranald
RMMV Good Hope Castle RMMV Southampton Castle ss SA Vaal
mv Rotherwick Castle mv Clan Menzies mv Clan Malcolm mv
Clan Macgregor mv Clan Ross (re named Kinpurnie Castle) mv mv Anna mv Ida Schmitt mv Pelowin…………RSA mv Condor 5 mv Condor 7 mv Condor 8 mv Condor 9 (Hydrofoils &
Catamarans running out of
Ian, you know I mentioned my
nickname, “Sunshine”. Well it all came about at about
0230hrs whilst I was doubling up with the Second Officer on the 12 to 4. Picture this. First trip on a
Passenger Ship ( Shit, what in Gods’ Name
do I do now. I meet the MA and proceed back up to A-Deck (having come down in the lift), only to be confronted by………sure
enough, a lady sleep-walking, but starkers!!!! A quick conflab with the MA,
materializes in me having to take my jacket off, place it in front of me, and sort of walk backwards, sloooowwwlly, so as
she would more-or-less walk into it. Job done, or so I thought! Sure enough, she doesn’t have a heart attack, she’s
very apologetic for causing so much fuss, and proceeds back to her cabin…….with my jacket, and promptly closes
the door with a gesture of a pout. Little did I know. She was the Lady that probably
taught me more about sex, than any female could aspire to and arriving at Cape Town at F-Berth, or was it G? for the southbound
mail, she proceeded ashore into the welcoming bosom of her family, only for the Staff Commander (Arthur Wigham) to put his
hand on my shoulder, as I ruefully observed the whole episode from the Port Bridge wing, for him to say to me, “Third,
she travels on the Mailboats, at least three or four times a year, and she always targets the extra Third. Sleepwalking! What
a load of cock. Well it was really!
Actually, you make me sea-sick! God, how we” could tie one on”. (I trust you drink Gin). The Gentleman
in the attached photo is the Chief Officer, The Reverent Arthur Slack. When I joined the “ Yea well, it’s not something
I really made a point of doing, cargo ship or Passenger, but doubling up on watches did create a little leeway. Amongst all
the individuals that I encountered during my life at sea, Arthur would have to be one of the most entertaining, funny, serious
and dogmatic individuals I’ve ever met. Working the 4-8 on one particular voyage,
(maybe voy. 95), one early afternoon, the “Lamptrimmer” came up to the Bridge and duly invited us to “The
Pig & Whistle” after our watch. “Don’t forget”, Arthur says: “It’s me tonight”! As
we had the arrangement of hosting the Passenger table in first class between ourselves, Arthurs’ idea was that one could
cover the other, me more than him! Well in this particular situation, he got as “Rat Arsed” as anyone could, and
proceeded up to the First Class Lounge at about nine o’clock that night and lectured me on not to be late for my watch
in the morning, out of rig (still in his tropics). By the time the Second Mate
had actually extricaterd him from his bunk at half past five, and what a state he was in, he then proceeded to give me a lecture
on cleaning my teeth.” Arthur, shut up”……….”noooooooo” he says, I have a full set
of dentures. I never bothered with my dental hygene, be aware” “Yea, right oh!” The next thing, thump
on the shoulder……..I want Egg, Bacon, Fried Bread and Sausage. “Call the Night Steward “ he commands.”
Arthur, for Christs’ Sake, you won’t get anything, other than a boiled egg” Well get me that then” The
Staff Commander always used to relieve the Mate at half past seven in the morning, for obvious reasons, and on this particular
occasion I met Arthur on his way up from breakfast, as I’m going down. He grabs my arm, “here” he says.
“You know I was talking about my false teeth this morning, I think the fuckers are falling out!” Arthur, if you
do proceed to eat a boiled egg whole, shell’an all, then I’m sure it might have the same effect!”. These antics could not go on, and whilst he was duly relieved of his position as C/O
can’t do it right now, but I have a fantastic photograph, taken in Dar-es-Salaam, of three sister ships, the Clans Malcolm,
Matheson & Menzies all in different states of repair….meaning paint-work. Cayzer policy was to get the ship in recognizable
and acceptable appearance on arrival back in the I
don’t know whether you have been to Dar’ before but the photo is taken from the shoreline on the approaches into
the harbour. In those days, there were only three berths (1970)?
And apart from the fact that they were built alongside each other on the You
will have to tick them off, as we go, but I’ve already said that each ship tells a story. Well on the Hector Herron,
a whale-oil tanker, converted to carrying avgas, mogas and heavy crude happened to require more-or-less a full crew change
in Well
the upshot was that amongst the hand-over party were the Training Officer from my initial trip to sea (Clan Matheson) and
a Purser……Adrian Vernolini, otherwise known as Adriaan.MMMMMM! We
duly join the ship after hand-over, and are bound for Whether
either got their “end away” I have no idea, but I just scarpered. If this is Tanker life, I want nothing to do
with it, I’ve got to say, the experience helped me with my Second Mates……Tankers that is.
"The pissed-up stevedores had finally
left the ship (Clan Matheson) at about 1400hrs (New Year’s Eve),(1968) and after “shutting-up-shop”, I found
myself, washed. showered and more-or-less ready to settle down to a good book…………I really wasn’t
enamored in watching Jimmy Stewart or whatever his name was, singing in Hogmanay on TV when the Third Engineer popped his
head round my cabin curtain, “Hey you! Pal”, “What in F----’s name are you sitting on yer een fer”. “Cummmunn yer”, “Get
yer arse inti gear”, “Yer cumin ta meet ma Mammy” “Oh!” in my best
Sasanach, seventeen year old, surprised response. I was dragged ashore with all
these Shipyard trained Engineers, (as it was, the Best) and duly went off to Greenock and the surrounding areas to celebrate
with their respective families, ( B&C had their own shipbuilding yard at Greenock) hence, most of the Clan Line Engineers
were trained in the Basin, prior to going to sea. Well, we all eventually finished
up at The Saracens Head in Partick, and who should be sitting in the corner on a bar stool but Billy Connelly stringing on
his Banjo. “The Big Ying” was
absolutely fantastic, but my colleagues were so pissed, that I eventually eased my way to the front of the surrounding group
of admirers and just listened to his repertoire of his Scottish ditties, being topped at regular intervals by pints of 8/-
Bitter, when the next thing I know, I’m on the floor, out for the count. God knows what I had been shouting/whispering
to Billy, but as I was carried out of the Pub, I was duly informed by the “Entertainer” ……….”Tel
that Fat Bassa to speak the language if he wants to come back here” or in the way Billy would normally address the general
public. I was duly presented with his
first cassette the following day in the Ship’s Bar and informed that if I wanted to get on, on board, I better listen
to Billy’s cassette remorselessly, until, not only could I sing the songs verbatim, but also understand the Orders given
on the Bridge, Engine-Room and even the Purser was from Aberdeen! I had no chance, I thought, but
by the end of the six month tour, I spoke like a native, Glaswegian that is."
had a look at your home-page and it looks great. Not knowing what to expect, I really was taken aback when I saw the photo
of me and Arthur. Quite superb. Do you know, we were a pretty good team. Arthur, being the real piss-cat that he was, got
so inebriated on one occasion, that the following morning he chucked all his booze over-the-side, only to have to go to the
expense of replacing the items the following day! Typical. Yes
referring to the old Hector Heron, she was always known as the “bastard of the fleet”, as she was always on charter,
and Head Office never really knew where she was( I don’t think the Sparks did either, as Company traffic was quite infrequent).
This particular trip to the Pacific Fiji etc, for me, was such a waste, because I was too young and inexperienced to
appreciate that such a voyage was almost a once in a lifetime opportunity. However, one issue that will always stand out in
my mind was our returning to We
duly arrive back at the ship, get on board with our booty, but the Engineer, who had jump-started the boat, then proceeds
to take it back out into the bay, ram the helm over, tie it the wheel up, and then swim back. Well
the Authorities that morning went absolutely beserk, when they realized their boat was half a mile off shore just jugging
around in a circle. We all really got shit from The Old Man, but eventually the funny side of the issue was acknowledged,
and the beer was never missed! Oh!, I’ve just thought
of something, emanating from the Arrive back for the next voyage,
and sure enough, he ‘phones me up on our first night out, “Yours or Mine” steady, steady now! Anyway we have a few snorts in
his cabin, and he is constantly going on about something being different in his cabin, from the previous trip. The place looked
the same to me, but come the following night, he ‘phoned me up earlier than usual, to inform that he’d found out
what the difference was! The shoreside had refitted one
of the bars, and re-routed the beer lines through his cabin, and fitted a false backing to his wardrobe, so the pipes went
up behind this extra pine-ply sheet, only a couple of inches, at most, but he wondered why his gear wouldn’t hang properly. Needless to say, all was revealed,
so the next night, having “turned out” three or four brass taps on the lathe in the Engine-Room, and duly screwed
them into the pipes, we had the luxury of Guinness or Lager on draught. The Chief Purser never found out, and the head Bar
Man couldn’t understand why his takings were down when we returned to Right,………!
now let me think,………. because there’s nothing else for me to do, except, wait for Beira to confirm
issues, I shall try to conjure up a couple of anecdotes for you, and rummage for a couple of photo’s. I’ll go
and have a fag first. Outside, of course, because this Clan
Matheson, 2nd Voyage….. “Where
is it?” I ask. “Down aft” was his response. So off we go, and indicating that it was over the stern, I was
confronted with a bum-boat, loaded with sacks upon sacks of Beetle Nut. Absolutely
dumbfounded, and not really knowing what Beetle Nut was,…….here was my first, overseas circumstance, of “being
taken for a ride”!!!! I
asked, ”What was in it for me”? Ooh Sahib, plenty Rupees in Cut
along story short, I duly off-loaded these sodding nuts, expecting to at least have a few bucks to go ashore with…………fuck-all,
they just pissed off into the night. Once
bitten, twice shy, eh!, but the little Bastard didn’t know that we were returning You
see Ian, you can swan about on Passenger Vessels, moaning that you’ve got to change an aerial, or check the batteries,
but the experience of “cutting your teeth” on shitty cargo vessels, only makes you appreciate, just how lucky,
One is to be elevated to such a ship….and by God didn’t I. Ah,
here's a nice one. Kinnaird
Castle and third trip to sea. Accompanied by the Capt. Superintendant and his wife (God, did I fancy his wife !?) However,
no names, no pack drill, we call at Following
voyage, out to Might
Speak to you later, Pete.
you’ve had a little bit from the Clan Matheson and Kinnaird Castle which was my third vessel, I actually sailed on this
tanker for a full year (income tax rebate), but also to speed up my sea-time for Second Mates. She was seconded to Scottish
Tankers but retained livery of Hector Whaling. Now I told you about the Mate and the Purser, fighting over the cadet, and
the escapade in New Caledonia Is. Well,
having completed the Pacific leg, we drydocked in Singapore, and having close friends of my sister living there, I had the
freedom of utilizing a fabulous Sunbeam Alpine for the two weeks whilst we were there, and had the comfort of staying at their
place overnight! The lads were green with envy, as My
next vessel will be the Clan Robertson as
you’ve had a little bit from the Clan Matheson and Kinnaird Castle which was my third vessel, I actually sailed on this
tanker for a full year (income tax rebate), but also to speed up my sea-time for Second Mates. She was seconded to Scottish
Tankers but retained livery of Hector Whaling. Now I told you about the Mate and the Purser, fighting over the cadet, and
the escapade in New Caledonia Is. Well,
having completed the Pacific leg, we drydocked in Singapore, and having close friends of my sister living there, I had the
freedom of utilizing a fabulous Sunbeam Alpine for the two weeks whilst we were there, and had the comfort of staying at their
place overnight! The lads were green with envy, as My
next vessel will be the Clan Robertson as U3/O……..
Ian, herewith a
copy of my Cadets’ report from the Second Officer. The
British & Commonwealth Group – B&C Report Form 1 Confidential
Report on Cadet: PEGGY ASHCROFT Branch Deck ss/mv….Clan Robertson Date:28/2/1971 to
Oversure of himself, considering his very limited capability, probably, basically insecure due to the fact that he was not
properly potty trained in infancy.(Still wears nappies to bed. (b) POWER OF COMMAND: Controls his toy soldiers
with all the confidence of Gengis Khan, but humans tend to take him slightly less seriously. (c) CONDUCT
Would make a good Conductor, except he is rather pale-faced for Birmingham Transport. (d) DRESS AND PERSONAL
APPEARANCE : Prefers female dress, which does not really suit him, as he is
built like a brick shithouse. (e) SOCIAL ATTRIBUTES:
Fairly generous in the Bar, but otherwise, none. (f) BEARING TOWARDS
OFFICERS : Fawning. (g)
Does not realize we have any. .
Practically useless
Has little knowledge, but appreciates the oranges. (d) BRIDGE PRACTICAL NAVIGATION;INSTRUMENTS;RADAR OPERATION AND PLOTTING PRACTICE Can now take
Solar sights and azimuths and can work them out given time. He can switch on more of the bridge instruments, but after that
he is lost. Has never heard of plotting (e) ENGINE ROOM
Banned from the Engine Room (f) PROJECT SUBJECT:
Pet Clarke
Progress, still in the planning stage
SPORT Favourite
Sport:- Putting his foot in it.
RECREATION Watching Pet Clarke and pulling O’Toole………(Good
bye Mr Chips ….Walport
HOBBIES Emptying beer cans (a) TRAINING It
is not surprising, that his Parents sent him to sea, but why I should suffer, I don’t know. Either
he goes or I go.
OFFICER’S GENERAL REMARKS Neil Collier: Training Officer
Tommy Reay: Chief Engineer MASTER’S GENERAL REMARKS
: “I believe the fishing is good at
Sandy Campbell: Master
Ian, Good Afternoon, Now this was my first
ship as U/3/O, and I joined her at Avonmouth. Actually, my Father drove me down, because, being a naval man himself, he always
enjoyed coming on board for a looksee. Well I introduced him to the Captain, and proceeded to go on the piss with him! So
much so that he had to bunk up in my cabin for the night and me on the daybed. When he found out the following morning that
our first three ports were As it happens, I’ve
already done a piece on this vessel, with photo, but lost it somewhere in the ether so I’m labouring over reiterating
some of the pertinent aspects. The Mate was a drunken Irishman, who should have been shot at birth, but the Second Mate was
superb, and really looked after me in my first week or so. As I’ve already said, a funny little ship,
pleasant enough with from what I recall, a pretty good crew etc…. and so it tends to be a bit nondescript, until The Fourth Engineer from
The Fourth dashes over,
climbs in, and revs off. Oh well, he was duly apprehended down at Simonstown, and banged-up, with the Cops not taking too
much attention to his well-being……Into court the following day, fined oh I don’t know how many Rand and
deported to the vessel on sailing, with instructions from the Authorities that he be locked in his cabin until the UK. (How
could they check? But you know how imposing De Afffffrikkkaaaana Police can be.) Fair enough, he was a
prat, and not a very likeable one at that. Five days out of I’m on watch 8-12,
and so to begin with I had no idea what was amiss. It transpired that the Crosshead on No 4 Unit had sheered, and the top
piston (piston opposed,you see) was almost out of the cylinder casing. No 4 Unit was also the starting unit under compressed
air, so unless the E/Rm had a spare Crosshead, we weren’t going anywhere unless with a tow………Well
no Doxford engined vessel carried such a spare item as a Crosshead, plenty of other spares, but not a Crosshead. The Old Man is notified
of the dellema, and is scribing out a message for “Let me out of
my Cabin” he screams “ and I will help you solve the problem” “Bollocks”
was the Second Engineers retort, but with typical resolve of a quiet spoken, Scottish Chief, he gave the Fourth the benefit
of the doubt, extracting enough information from him to know that there was a spare Crosshead in the Engine Room, under the
plates. Voila! Apart from the ignominy
of the Edinburgh sailing passed “everything awight chaps” we were underway again within 48 hours and sailing for
Avonmouth…..The Fourth still banged up in his cabin! There’s always
something that turns round and bites you up the bum. Twenty Four hours from
Pilots-Bristol, all hell lets loose on the Bridge……….guess who’s on watch? …………….The
Hold Alarms go off in No 5 Hatch FIRE, and let me tell you Ian, if it’s not Board of Trade Sports, then when you
see the Hatch Coamings starting to glow red, your bowels start quivering. All amount of Kidde Riche
appliance wouldn’t dampen down, and whilst all source of air was starved, the only conclusion was to let the bugger
burn itself out. Now, as I said earlier,
a bit of a non descript ship,but, built on the The Asbestos was eventually
off-loaded by grab, can you imagine them getting away with that today. “You can fuck-off” would be the Port Captains
inflection, needless to say, there was MY Old Man on the quay, waiting for the Clan Macindoe (two weeks out in the
Bristol Channel, waiting for everything to cool down) resplendent with a brown, paint peeled stern, acknowledging our arrival
when, the Ship’s Master (I forget his name, but nice enough), bawls down to the quay to my Father, “Have you been
waiting there for the last six months, for your lad to return, “ – “Yer’e better come up and have
a nip when we’ve “Cleared Immigration”…….needless to say, The Captain hadn’t realized
that my Mother was sitting in the car, waiting for her little boy’s arrival………She used to have shares
in Tanqueray-Gordon, and yes you can guess the rest, they sleep over in my cabin, and I sleep in the Pilots cabin and drive
them back to Warwickshire the following day. (I think my relief had to sleep in the Hospital)
Okay, Ian. You’ve
had the Clan Matheson, Actually, this voyage
had quite tragic connotations. I flew to Lagos, the ship being under a Mobil Charter, and did three months, just running from
Appapa to Port Harcourt, before being released from Nigeria, and heading for The Gulf, via CapeTown……..You can
imagine how we let our hair down, when it was announced that we were allowed into Table Bay (as we were Gas Free) and could
dock, and take on stores and bunkers, in the comparative luxury of Dorman Longs’ Graving Dock, right down the bottom
end of the Harbour. Okay, it was a bit of a taxi ride but who gave an “f” when we’d had put up with the
conditions of NW Africa, the mosquitoes biting like fuckin’ tigers! I can’t quite recall
the sequence of events after leaving Kaapstaad, only that I was summoned to the Ol’e Mans’ Cabin, to be duly informed
that I was being relieved at Ian, this is how good
the Cayzers really were, from a Personnel point of view. You weren’t just a number. My Mother had ‘phoned
the Office, and informed a most wonderful character, by the name of Gordon Burtinshaw, , that my Father had “taken a
turn for the worse”…….she being a nurse, knew what the signs were, and that was enough, on compassionate
grounds, to bring me home. I actually knew nothing
about my Fathers’ condition, until I arrived home and my Brother-in-Law informed me of the crisis. And yet, as soon
as I appeared in front of the Old Man, he immediately perked up and rallied. This was September, and
Now here’s a thing.
Have you ever had to unlock a ship! I was appointed 3/O of
the A cold, raining, November
evening, and no one about. Even the Mailboats were inactive. I ‘phoned What a bloody shambles. Yes, I did pick up the
key, and having negotiated scrambling over the Rothesays’ No. 3 Hatch, finally let myself ”in” in pitch
darkness. No Generators running, hence no lights, no fuckall. Out of sheer memory of
having been on the Rothesay for my 21st, I knew that my cabin was next to the Bar! So having eventually got to
my abode, opened the door, only to find that some little prick had left the porthole open, and the driving rain up the Solent
had virtually filled the cabin with The English Channel. However, undeterred,
I nipped into the Bar, and low and behold, a few dregs of Brandy, Whiskey and Gin were still adorning the optics, and so I
set about the liquor to warm my Cockles. It had to be at least
an hour later, that I detected some scrabbling sound, possibly a rat, and who should pop his head round the door, but the
Fourth Engineer from Ah, Mr Thomas, before
I grudgingly offer you a drink, go and put a Gene on the board, and get some lighting and heating organized. As quiet as a mouse,
he duly did my bidding, and lo and behold, the ship was up and running. It was nine o’clock
before anyone else had arrived, and being a little worse for wear, and my cabin saturated, I proceeded to get my head down,
in the Pilots’ Cabin, yet again………………………(sequal later)
Okay, picture this. 101 Western Docks, (outboard) and the Masters are
having a chat across no more than a fender distance of say eighteen inches to two feet of Bridge Wing clearance. I didn’t know this at the
time, but they were “Brother-in-Laws”, and my Ships’ Master (Rotherwick) hated his counterpart. Well you couldn’t have
a more accommodating Master as “Sandy” Campbell (Rothesay)……….21st Birthday, And then “All Hell Breaks
Loose”, no names, no pact drill, but our skipper, just as we are casting off, with tug on starboard poop, grabs a wooden
deckbrush, and hurls it at “Sandy”, polaxing him, with the item, and as we “broke away”…………”See
you at Smiths, you Scottish “C” “ Well it’s a very strange
thing, when you are a seaman, in whatever capacity you might find yourself, but this was just the most remarkable episode,
I’d ever seen. The Mate comes up from the Fxle,
it’s the 12-4 watch, Second Mate on the Bridge, with Pilot and Master, and I have a beer with the Mate in the Bar. We
are ambling down the Solent, Isle of Wight to port, would you believe, and heading to “Och, Jimmy, don’t
you worry yer fat arse, I’ll sort hum oot” “ All the selfish Bassa wants to do is to make sure
his boot is alright, moored off Coowes”. What a fuckin’ nightmare.
I’m terrified of him anyway, obviously through my total naivety of the situation, but, whilst both vessels had a fair
turn of speed, what does the Rothesay do, but go out through the Nab. Even Sparks is too shit scared
to tell the Master, that the Rothesay has beaten us to the Tyne and that we would encounter 48 hr delay, prior to one of the
other floating docks becomes available. Here’s the crunch. The
Master wasn’t seen for 48 hrs, but appearing on the Bridge, with Pilot, and looking a little dark under the cheekbones
prior to us entering drydock, it was generally excepted that the Mate had taken the situation into his own hands……..as
it were. Come to think of it, they were
about the same age! It turned out later, that both
Brother-in-Laws had been on the Ayreshire (flagship of Clan Line) as Mate, Second Mate, and our existing Chief Officer, Third
Mate at the time, when she grounded off The Maritime inquest, found the
Mate responsible, only on the grounds of supposition, but the Third Mate was bullied into making some sort of admission….I
don’t know. The hospitality of the Geordie
is second to none, and whilst in drydock, a good time was had by all, but tragically, I ‘phoned home everyday to check
on my Father, and as it was, this one particular night, out with John Cardownie (R/O) that I heard from my sister that I really
should come home. ( a preordained condition with Cayzer, hence the “Coast”) Went back on the ship packed
my gear, and went up to see The Captain to ask him to “sign “ me off, maybe about 2230hrs and inform him of my
predicament. The Bastard gave me no condolence, I’ve never seen my original Discharge Book again, he probably threw
it over the side, but eventually got home the following morning, only to find that things were quite bad. ‘Phoned London that morning
to tell them of the circumstances, very understanding, and do you know, the day before my Father died, I received my advice
notice that I would be joining the Windsor Castle in Southampton…………at MY convenience. At least
he died, knowing that I had been elevated to the “Flag Ship” (Jan 1973) So there you’ve got it
so far. Rgds.Pete
Okay, picture this.Now the Clan Line never went to South America, but on one occasion,
the Clan Ranald was required to do a one-off charter (in the off-season fruit schedule) to collect a full load of potatoes,
from Valparaiso……..Interesting, was the general concensus. Second Mate organizes a new folio of
charts, discusses the courses with the Old Man, and the vessel duly departs Well, after the Chief Engineer had put
in his request for Bunkers, the Purser for victualing, and maybe the Chief Officer for a couple of paint brushes and Fresh
Water, all was set for the Well the vessel has negotiated westbound
convoy, and has duly set course for With all the interest of the Canal,
and other novelty features, it’s only at this juncture, that the Captain feels he can relax a bit, down in his suite,
and perhaps have a couple of Scotches. The
Chief Engineer comes and joins him, and a convivial chat ensues, when the Chief remarks on the tatty paper bag stashed in
the corner of the day-room Eh yes, “I’d forgotten about
that” “A little gift from the Agents, no less” The Old Man, covers the floor in anticipation,
rips open the parcel, only to reveal three Blow-Up dollies! “Jings criven help ma bob!”
was the Chiefs’ retort………..”Am I looking at Princess Diana, Jackie Onassis and Sophie Loren,
in the nude, all in one go” “Oh Jeeeesus, I’m in Heaven” Needless to say, the Captain, an aspiring Mail-boat Staff Commander, was highly
embarrassed, and duly admonished the Chief Engineer for his wayward remark, well he would, wouldn’t he? No names, no Pact Drill, but the night before arrival at the
South American port, the Old Man’s on the Bridge, dishing out his Nightly Orders” (Remember Them?) “Any fog, put Engines to Stand
By”, “ Call Me two hours before Pilots” etc….etc. Sure enough, eta 0600 ,0400 FOG. Chief
Officer calls “Father” and he duly arrives on the Bridge, with the fog alarm blaring away. Well when this happens, Ian, as you
well know, sleep tends to be a little elusive. And so it was for the Captains’ Tiger, who took it upon himself, to duly
take the Captain his breakfast of boiled
egg and a cup-of-tea.up to the Bridge. Tiger
thinking he might as well square-up and tidy the Ole Mans’ cabin, whilst navigational and con duties were required,
went to make his bed……………..and lo and behold, there is Jackie Onassis, legs akimbo (hairy at
that), giving Tiger the “Come-On” Tiger thinks this is too good an opportunity
to miss, climbs aboard and gives “it” the old one-two.” Clan Ranald arrives back at Curacoa
a month later, for general Agency issues, and the Agent confronts the Captain, with that typical South American/Mexican inane
smile, and asks as to how he enjoyed his “gift” “Haaaay Capitano , very life-like,
no?” “Yes”, the Old Man rants,
“so f.......g life-like, I’ve even got a dose from the Bitch!”
Here’s another one, if
I can remember it correctly. An old bookkeeper (Retired) who
used to work part-time at Cayzer House, right opposite the entrance to Durban Docks, would always do afternoons. Now he’d got this little dog, a daschund, I think.
Living in the proximity of the Office
down the Esplanade in a first-floor flat, his routine was to walk the little thing, a couple of times in the morning, and
last thing at night. On this one occasion in the evening,
he’s strolling up to the top of Gillespie Street, intersecting Smith Street with his mutt on the leash, when this bloody
great “Kaffir” rounds the corner, and apprehends the Old Boy. Startled and loosing his balance, he lets go of the dog as he falls over.
The dog immediately responds, by climbing
on to the Kaffirs back, and rips his throat out. Passers-by see the incident and
immediately call the Cops. “Frick” and his cronies
duly arrive at the scene, take the Kaffir into custody, and then on reflection, turns to the Old Boy, whilst he is making
out his report, and quite dumbfounded, says that whilst it was a magnanimous (well an Afrikaaner Cop wouldn’t say that)
gesture of the dog to protect his Master, how in God’s name has a little thing like that got such a fighting instinct.
The Old Guy nodding, said in his guttural
“I live on my own, and
the dog is my company” He explains his living arrangements,
but then goes on to tell the Cop that his dog does not have any amourous relationships, because he does not have the time
to spend with him on a daily basis. So, when I have taken him for
his evening walk, given him some food, I get him up on the sofa, and “jerk him off”, and just as he is going to
“come”, I put my thumb over the end of his Knob! “Yessus, that makes him very angry!” See Ya.
Picture this: Not only have we
been delayed in opening up No 7 hatch, (Tourist Class swimming pool) because an Albatross landed in the pool on our way down
from Port Elizabeth, and the RSA Bird people insisted on getting the papers down there to monitor the safe execution of getting
the bloody bird out of the ogin, and safely dispatch the creature into a safe haven, but, being on cargo duty, on a Sunday
evening, dressed in my No10’s, a female sidles over to me, (as they did in those days!), and positively informed me
that she was convinced that there were “Divers” operating on the port stern side of the vessel, and they were
sticking “Limpit Mines” to the hull. Well you get these sort
of people, and I can’t say that she wasn’t a good looker either, but I nontionantly strolled to the ship’s
side and with all the authority of an experienced Officer, duly informed her that they were seals frolicking in Table Bay
harbour Okay, I’m Extra
Second Officer, doing the 8-12 on a particular day, having just bunkered at I’m surveying all
that I can see, including some very nubile waitresses on No 2 Hatch, sunning themselves, prior to starting back down below
for lunch. I happen to mention a
particular lady, (who stood out more predominantly, than the rest!) to the Lamptrimmer, who had come up to fill in the Sounding
Log. That night, again 8 –
12, I receive a message from the Lookout, who’d gone down for a cuppa’. “I shall see you
in your cabin tonight”, read the message,……………and believe me, this is no bullshit………….”.I
know you like your Guinness, and as I like Milk Stout, you will find a couple
of cases there when you come off watch.” What is this crap, and
the message is signed by The Scorpion. Sure enough, I hand over
the watch to the Senior Second, and about 0015hrs vacate the Bridge, go down to my cabin, and lo and behold, there on my desk
are two cases of the required nectar. Next thing, the Master-at-Arms
knocks on my door, and explains, that he had to apprehend a female stewardess that was entering Officers’ quarters,
with a dubious excuse of delivering the beer, (as I had ordered it from one of the Pursers) during my Watch-Keeping duties. I should have smelt a
rat then, but proceeded to crack open a can (top-end spanner in those days), with my Third Engineer opo. and really thought
no more about it. Just a prank! Following morning, I’m
on the Bridge, when another message arrives, again signed by The Scorpion, apologizing for not having been able to see me
last night, but will definitely evade the MA and get stuck into the beer! Tonight. Nothing happens that
night, needless to say, but on the following morning, I see this tart, hand over the watch to my junior, and proceed on deck
to remonstrate with her about the prank…………She hasn’t a clue what I’m talking about!!!! I apologies most profusely,
return to the Bridge, and there, standing at the wheel is the Lamptrimmer, not only with his flies open, but his “Pecker”
exposed, only with a tattoo of a Scorpion on “It”. I just about died, but
the bastards had all been in on the joke, MA. Stewardess, my Junior and a whole host of others. I’ll leave you
with that for the time being.
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